Reached of our £50,000 goalWomen deserve better, DONATE TODAY
Every donation counts, donate here to give to Ovarian Cancer Action (registered charity number 1109743)
Click Here to DonateLisa's Story
In England more than 70 out of 100 women (more than 70%) will survive their Ovarian Cancer diagnosis for 1 year or more after they are diagnosed. This means that 30% do not! Lisa sadly passed away in the summer of 2023 after living with her cancer for 8 years – she felt that she was one of the lucky ones. Her diagnosis and condition never defined her where she lived the fullest life possible following her surgery and continued treatment.
Back in 2015 the outlook given was a 3–5-year life expectancy so every day was a blessing that needed to be approached head on with positivity. Lisa always thought of others and downplayed any question about her health and put her best most energetic foot forward. Wife, daughter, sister, grandmother, aunt, and friend she enriched the lives of those around her radiating warmth and kindness with a huge smile, a kind word of encouragement telling people that there was no need to worry about her.
If able Lisa would thank you for supporting Nick & Louis’ adventure aiming in their own way to make ovarian cancer a survivable disease for all women.
Remember our time with our loved ones is precious make it count – be kind, be loving, enjoy life and always have a smile for others.

Louis’ Story
As a puppy in France, I was encouraged to chase all sorts of things – especially birds. As I grew, I was not able to keep my owner happy as I didn’t really understand what he wanted me to do. He got angry, lost patience, and kept me chained up for 2 years. I was let go in a place I didn’t recognise and did not know how to get home. I was picked up by a stranger and taken to somewhere called a rescue centre where after a while a very kind family took me home where I had a great time playing with their other dogs.
It was only supposed to be temporary, but I was with them for 6 months and then on one fateful day in September 2022 my human foster carer was helping on a hiking trip in the Pyrenees called the Freedom Trail and took me with him. There I met an excitable Englishmen called Nick who really liked me although I wasn’t that bothered, he did give me lots of fusses.
My foster carer and Nick were always talking and what I didn’t know was that they were planning my new life. One week in October after a couple of days in the car and a boat ride – hey there’s that guy Nick again, how did he get here? I was sad to leave my foster carers but went with Nick as my new adopted Dad as he had treats and a new toy for me. I like my new name as it sounds French and royal and makes me feel special.
Home is quiet with no other dogs to play with, but I have it all to myself and I get lots of walks, treats and cuddles – its great. Things have changed again when my adopted Mum passed away due to something called cancer, I still look for her every time I come in through the front door ☹ Nick thinks he rescued me, but I think we’ve rescued each other.
Nick's Story
The rationale for undertaking this huge challenge is to honour the memory of Lisa, by helping the charity in some small way in the hope that Ovarian Cancer will be survivable for future generations. For me personally the difficult days will help me draw strength as the toughest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life and the experience a time for reflection. Together closing one chapter whilst glimpsing a view of new horizons.
It was a fateful day in 1985 when I first caught site of Lisa exiting a lift where she was working, and I was visiting. I was instantly attracted. Making excuses to go back I tracked her down where a love story was born. We endured the challenges of a long-distance relationship, the personal adjustments in our first home together in 1990 and married in 1993. We were fortunate to spend many wonderful years together before she was taken from us just before her 59th Birthday and our 30th Wedding Anniversary.

A lifelong friendship is incredibly hard to find and even harder to live without once you’ve experienced it. It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger! Better days are yet to come as there are people I’ve yet to meet and things yet to be experienced.
Thank you in advance for supporting the cause and if you see me passing stop and say hello and walk a step or two together.
See how we are progressing towards our targets.

Total Journey in Miles

Current week Of 28 Weeks

544 miles

£'s Donated so far = 115% of target (including Gift Aid)